June, 9th all the pupils and teachers in our school celebrated
School Day. It was a very special one, having as a motto: “School – the way
towards our future”. Pupils in every class were involved in different
activities, there were special guests invited in each classroom, persons
working in different fields, who are (or were) very good in what they do (or
did). They talked about their career,
where they started from, how they knew what they want to do and, more
important, they answered all the pupils’ questions for an hour or more.
was also a festival in the school yard for pupils in the 5th, 6th,
7th and 8th grade, where were invited very talented
pupils from the other schools in town to celebrate together with us. It was another
proof that children of different ethnicities ‘speak all the same language’. Beside
our Romanian traditional songs and dances, and beside pop, rock and other
musical genre prepared by our pupils and teachers, there were also pupils from
the Hungarian School, and gipsy children dressed in traditional costumes,
singing and dancing their specific songs.
the youngest pupils in our school, Primary Classes, performed in a carnival, in
another school yard, dancing and presenting their costumes. It was very
entertaining for them to prepare for this special day and to think themselves,
together with their parents, how to present their character in an original and
interesting way.
most expected moment by every child in school was the Sport Moment, when the
oldest pupils, the graduates, played a match against their teachers. The girls
played a handball match, and the boys played a football match. It was ‘the
hottest’ moment because the school ‘was divided in two’, teachers’ supporters
on the one side, and pupils’ supporters on the other side. Both pupils and
teachers were the winners, of course.
in all it was a very special day, when everybody had a lot of fun, when all the
activities have finished with the regret that they weren’t longer. Now, everybody
is looking forward to the next year SCHOOL DAY!