Sunday, October 6, 2013

About the project

 PEACE Project is a partnership between 6 European countries. This project started from the general idea that we have to find similarities and differences witch make us unique and, at the same time, important citizens of the European Community, beside the geographical borders, language, culture and traditions. Our students will be tomorrow European active citizens, and need to know how to prepare their future.
Pupils and their teachers will have the opportunity to present and to share their own values, traditions and beliefs and to know some new ones, thus enriching their cultural knowledge and gaining new experiences. By participating of students and teachers in the school and community life of the partner countries, as well as in their family life, will generate a new set of behavior values, civic attitudes, will materialize the notion of European citizenship, will facilitate the increase of their interest in studying foreign languages, in using ITC technology. The involvement of some students and teachers from different regions of Europe will eliminate any kind of prejudices (age, sex, religion, etc.), and cooperation, communication, teamwork and collaboration will be encouraged.

Specific objectives:
  • to promote the respect for other languages, cultures, nationalities and the multicultural exchange between students and their parents, or teachers from partner schools, using the events as a purpose to do this
  • to discover new countries/ cultures and share what is specific to each one by the mean of the events
  • to strengthen language and computer skills acquired during the school period
  • to increase their motivation for foreign  language learning and use of ICT, including non-formal / informal context
  • to strengthen the sense of belonging to a common Europe
  • to encourage educational exchanges in order to increase the quality of education
  • to promote performances, innovation and a European dimension in the educational system and practice;
  • to encourage the  use of final results, of final products and of the exchange of good practices in the didactical field
  • to combat the phenomenon of early school leaving and to support children from social groups at risk.

Friday, October 4, 2013


6 European countries. Interested eyes, brave hearts, creative approach, plenty of new ideas - all gathered together under the wings of a European theme.
I hope that "PEACE-People Events Around Countries of Europe " will represent for all of us an exemplary lesson on diversity, in all its forms (social, cultural, ethnic, religious, gender). The chance to have a repeated access to such lessons offers us the opportunity to acquire, not only networking knowledge, values and civic character of democratic citizenship, but also attitudes of the same type and transversal competence such as: communication, language-skills, learning to learn, or skills in integrating knowledge structures and systems.
This project is a special event for me, not only for my professional experience, but also for my personal life. I think it is a special opportunity for me to become more confident, creative, open minded, friendly, and more and more.....
Camelia POP, Coordinator of European Comenius Project "PEACE-People Events Around Countries of Europe"